The HEG offers its clients extensive experience in managing and conducting social, cultural and economic assessments using a variety of approaches, including:
- Community specific wellness studies, which focus on key socio-economic indicators identified by local communities.
- Integrated Cultural Assessments, using culturally relevant indicators (valued components) to identify potential cultural impacts of development, bridging the language of non-aboriginal regulatory requirements with traditional values and worldview.
- Regulatory driven industrial development SEIAs completed on behalf of industry focused on meeting regulatory requirements such as those imposed by the Alberta Energy Regulator, Alberta AEPEA, BC Oil and Gas Regulations, NEB (sect 52 and 58) CEAA and IFC Performance Standards. The HEG has completed socio-economic impact assessments as part of industrial regulatory filings, for a variety of clients related to oil sands development, coal mines, gas fired power plants, oil and gas pipelines, power lines and resort developments.