
HEG Review of Park to Protect Chimpanzee’s

Guinea is in the process of creating a new 6,500 Km2 National Park in the Bafing basin to protect the largest chimpanzee population in West Africa  The creation and subsequent operations of the Moyen-Bafing National Park (MBPN) is partly being funded by the Read More>

Fort McKay Metis Nation Harvest Camp

HEG partners Carrie Oloriz and Rob Stuart attend the Fort McKay Métis Harvest camp to share some of the results of the Community-Based Wetland Monitoring Program and to help facilitate a Métis Story-telling event September Read More>

HEG Attends United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII 2019)

HEG Partner Carrie Oloriz had the honor of joining the “Tracking Change” research team in New York for the 2019 Global Knowledge Symposium and the United Nation's Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) (Apr 29-May 4, 2019) Carrie shared some of her Read More>

Working with Ts’elxwéyeqw Tribe on TransMountain Pipeline Expansion

Carrie Oloriz is supporting the Ts’elxwéyeqw Tribe as the First Nations undertake Phase 3 Consultation for the TransMountain Pipeline Expansion Project  The work builds on the Integrated Cultural Assessment that the HEG helped the Ts’elxwéyeqw Tribe Read More>

Community Engagement Guidelines for Tanzania

Rob Stuart and Carrie Oloriz have developed a Community Engagement Guideline to help Tanzanian Local Government Authorities undertake community engagement for numerous Public Private Partnerships they are developing  The guideline is a practical, easy to use Read More>

Five days camping on the Athabasca River with Ft McKay Metis

Five amazing days on the Athabasca River with Fort McKay Metis collecting information about wildlife, land access, river navigability, family history and Read More>

Traditional Local Knowledge along the Mekong River

HEG partner Carrie Oloriz spent the month of November 2017 in northern Thailand learning from local fishermen along the Mekong River and exploring the role of local knowledge in managing impacts to local livelihoods caused by hydro dams, irrigation dams and Read More>

Integrated Cultural Impact Assessment Workshop with IFC

Carrie Oloriz and Rob Stuart facilitated a workshop on integrated cultural impact assessment (ICA) with the social performance group at the International Finance Corporation (IFC) in Washington DC in January 2017 The IFC is interested in applications of the Read More>

HEG Scholarship to Hayley Grier-Stewart

The HEG has donated scholarships to post-secondary students for the past 10 years, under the Leo W Bouckhout memorial scholarship at the University of Calgary This year, we have decided to make our scholarship available to Metis and First Nation Students, no Read More>

Integrated Cultural Impact Assessment Project – Cultural Impact Assessment

The HEG is proud to be working with the Fort McKay Metis to develop a Metis specific cultural model The cultural model will be integrated into an Integrated Cultural Impact Assessment (ICA) The HEG has completed 3 workshops with Fort McKay Metis members Read More>